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27 dokument
record DFA 127 – brochure
The record DFA 127 is a universal drive system for the automation of swing doors. It is charac-terized by sophisticated technology, compact design and especially record’s legendary smoothness of operation. The focus on a broad range of applications makes it a full-fledged drive, suitable for widely differing requirements.
Configuration i-record tool
Sustainability of building products
Issuance of an EPD for the mentioned building product
Issuance of a product passport for sustainability for DGNB, LEED, BREEAM
Initial type-testing for the relevant characteristics of the products by an accredited testing body
Initial inspection of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert
One million cycles declaration
The manufacturer agtatec ltd. – Allmendstrasse 24 – CH-8320 Fehraltorf guarantees one million movement cycles for the following door operator DFA 127 FP EU / DFA 127 FP GG EU / DFA 127 IN. agtatec ltd., guarantees that these types of operators are designed to fulfil this specification on condition that the technical data and operating conditions comply with the manufacturer’s manual regular care and maintenance comply with manufacturer’s manual
record portfolio – brochure
The solutions shown in this portfolio only cover a small range of the possibilities they provide, and serve to give you just a first impression of our extensive product range. The record partners in your area are glad to assist you should you have any further questions about the planning or design of your automatic door system.